Public Notice
The next regular meeting of the Wyoming State Board of Outfitters and Professional Guides is scheduled for Thursday April 3, 2025 at the Wyoming Game and Fish Office located at 3030 Energy Lane in Casper, Wyoming. The New Outfitter Applicant Training class will begin at 9:00 am, with the Board meeting to immediately follow, at the same location. RSVP now for the New Outfitter Training class!
Visit the Meetings Page for Previous Board Meeting minutes
To better prepare potential new outfitter applicants, the Wyoming State Board of Outfitters and Professional Guides has also scheduled our early 2025 meetings.
The June meeting of the Wyoming State Board of Outfitters and Professional guides will be held in Casper, Wyoming on Thursday June 19, 2025 at the Casper Game and Fish Offices located at 3030 Energy Lane. New Outfitter Training will begin at 9:00 AM, with the Board meeting directly to follow.
The August meeting of the Wyoming State Board of Outfitters and Professional Guides will be held in Casper, Wyoming on Friday August 15, 2025 at the Casper Game and Fish Offices located at 3030 Energy Lane. New Outfitter Training will begin at 9:00 AM, with the Board meeting directly to follow.
By resolution, The Board shall hold a regular meeting the third Friday in February of each year in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
The Wyoming State Board of Outfitters and Professional Guides is now able to accept credit card payments via the link below:
Applications and exams, if applicable, can be emailed to and
They can also be faxed to 307-777-6715, or submitted via USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc., accompanied by a check or money order for the license fee.
Licenses will not be issued without payment and the completed application
The Wyoming State Board of Outfitters and Professional Guides is not responsible for any mailing delays of your packet when it is sent to us, nor when the license is mailed back to you once issued. We recommend anyone using these services utilize a tracking feature when mailing any renewal paperwork. If utilizing regular mail, and you would like a copy of your license emailed to you, please make note on the application.
(Board Rules Chapter 2 Section 8)
Renewal applications may be submitted, via email to and We also accept fax, USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc. submissions. Payments can be made using our WebFeePay Platform, otherwise a check or money order payment can be sent for the license fee.
Renewal application and license fee is DUE DECEMBER 1 PER RULE - but can be submitted at any time during the calendar year
Incomplete, illegible or inaccurate applications will be returned. This could cause your renewal to be considered late.
If you have been cited for any type of Game and Fish violation under Title 23 of Wyoming Statutes, convicted of a misdemeanor or felony please list and submit your renewal application and license fee to the office as early as possible. Include copies of citations, court records or any other documentation pertaining to the violation.
Be sure to read the Cover Letter of the Renewal Application Packet. This letter is designed to answer many of the FAQ's we receive during the renewal process. Should you have any additional concerns or questions, please reach out.
Report must be received or postmarked no later than January 31 of the subsequent year for which the report is being filed.
Complete each page of the report COMPLETELY. ALL 3 SHEETS i.e.; Instructions, All Guide, Report Form - listed as the workbook pages at the bottom of the document once opened. *DO NOT CHANGE ANY PORTION OF THE REPORT LAYOUT*
You must download and save the document to your device, preferably in the original excel format
Year End Report (Excel Format)
The mission of the Board, in order to serve and protect the public and maintain quality and professionalism within the hunting outfitting industry in Wyoming, is to license, regulate, review and evaluate big and trophy game outfitters and guides and enforce applicable laws, rules and regulations related to the outfitting industry.
Chronic Wasting Disease in Wyoming
Please review the information from Wyoming Game and Fish Department concerning Chronic Wasting Disease in Wyoming, the 2020 CWD Sampling Plans and carcass transportation regulations.
For questions or concerns please contact your local Wyoming Game and Fish representatives or the Wyoming Game and Fish website,